Christian CND Prayer Diary – June 2024

Please join Christian CND in praying this month as we intercede for issues here and around the world. We believe God has the power to move in all these situations and that prayer goes hand in hand with our campaigning efforts. There are many things to be thankful for as well as issues we want to bring before God.

You can also download the Christian CND Prayer Diary as a PDF

UK General Election

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God – Romans 13:1
Rishi Sunak has announced that the UK will go to the polls for the fourth time in less than ten years, with a General Election taking place on Thursday July 4. Both of the main parties have recommitted themselves to replacing the UK nuclear weapons system and both are talking about increasing overall military spending by billions of pounds. Candidates in other parties are supporting disarmament and an end to wars around the world.

Please pray with us

  • Thank God for those working to encourage candidates to take a stand for peace 
  • Thank God for the opportunity to exercise our democratic right in a peaceful and free election
  • Pray that candidates who support disarmament and peace would be elected
  • Pray that God would give wisdom to the incoming government

US Nuclear Weapons returning to UK
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen – Hebrews 11:1 
Christian CND and others continue to protest the return of American nuclear weapons to RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. We joined others including our friends in the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship for a prayer witness before the latest demonstration last month. The placement of these weapons in Suffolk will do nothing to calm the escalating tensions in Europe and could even make the UK less safe.

Please pray with us

  • Thank God for the opportunity to gather and pray ahead of the demonstration
  • Pray that the demonstration is peaceful and raises awareness of nuclear issues
  • Pray for the NATO leaders as they gather to discuss strategy
  • Pray for those world leaders not in attendance, that they would be reinvigorated to work for peace

Situation in Gaza
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast- 1 Peter 5:10 
As Israel continues to bomb Gaza relentlessly, hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to leave Rafah, often heading to areas with no water or electricity. Images of the aftermath of bombing raids on displace people in Rafah filled social media last month, with hundreds more people killed. There has been no progress on peace talks over the past month, despite calls from America for the war to end. The UN and aid agencies have warned that more than half the population of Gaza could be dead from famine within weeks as an Israeli blockade continues, with some settlers attacking aid convoys. 

Please pray with us
Pray for an immediate ceasefire and aid sufficient to meet the humanitarian crisis 
Pray for immediate release of the hostages
Pray that God would be with those suffering in Gaza
Pray for the children, living in constant fear in Rafah 

Christian CND 
That is why we labour and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all people, and especially of those who believe- 1 Timothy 4:10 
Christian CND welcomes a new member of staff this month as James Salt takes over as our Office Administrator from John McGrath, who has recently taken up a role with Palestine Solidarity Campaign. We are also still working through the implications of an application for charitable status, and will be having further discussions this month.

Please pray with us

  • Thank God for John McGrath, the work he did for CCND and that he would be fruitful in his new role
  • Thank God for all those who applied for the Office Administrator role, and for James Salt. Pray that he would enjoy his time with us 
  • Pray that discussions around charitable status would be fruitful

Please keep the Christian CND staff team and Exec in your prayers.

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